He wants me to keep secrets

I am a verbal processor. I am a transparent, bare-my-soul-to-the-world person. What you see is what you get and I don’t have any secrets. That’s a good thing…right? Most of the time, yes, however recently the Lord invited me into a new and specific...

What color is your Christmas?

White? Black? Red? Green? Blue? Let me explain. For many of us, our childhood Christmases were red and green and sparkling with hope and possibility. Bright lights twinkled with our heart’s desire. The smell of food and the sounds of laughter are...

Book Review: Talking to Jesus

Some people are so eloquent with their prayers! They pray, and not only are you deeply touched, but immediately feel inadequate, like your prayers sound more like a child’s clumsy grocery list packed full of things like llamas, play-do, and a tree that grows...

Stand down!!

I’m an atmosphere shifter. Typically, when I enter a room I bring A LOT of energy with me. I know that I’m called and gifted to shift an atmosphere to a place of hope, freedom and joy.  But the other side of this responsibility is that I also feel...