But wait! There’s more!

by | Apr 11, 2020 | Easter, joy, Joy Bringer, Uncategorized

Need some good news?!

I do!

Well, good news…we’ve got REALLY good news!

The Gospel of Jesus IS our good news.

As we celebrate Easter – the good news that Jesus overcame death and the grave and is alive – it’s important we realize what that actually means.

Too often we have left that good news in a little box in the corner of our lives. Waiting to open it on that fateful day when we enter into eternity.

Have you ever received a gift with multiple items inside but you didn’t know it? You open it and, “How wonderful – a gift!” But then you’re told, “Wait! There’s more in there!” “Ooooooh, more?! YAY!”

That’s the good news of Jesus. There is so much more in the gift of the gospel then many of us realize. And it’s time to open the rest of the gift.

When we say yes to the gift of salvation, we are saved and given the promise of eternal life. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!  Yes, Jesus overcame death and the grave so that we could live with him in eternity AND so that we could live with freedom, power, and joy today and everyday! The good news of a life with Jesus is a gift that keeps on giving everyday.

And this good news brings great joy!

Could you use a little more joy in your life? How about a lot more joy?!

I want you to live everyday of your life like the gospel is good news!

Will you join me? Beginning on Tuesday April 14th I will be hosting a free 15 Day Joy Bringer Challenge on Facebook. Every day I will be going live in the private group, joined by amazing Christian leaders from all over the country who are experts in areas I believe are vital for us to live lives full of joy.

We will be diving into subjects like:

  • Forgiveness
  • Flexibility vs Control
  • Rest
  • Jesus as a man of great joy
  • Being filled with the Spirit
  • Joy in sorrow
  • Healing
  • Gratitude

And so much more!

This will be a special time for us to connect and grow together. One that I believe will change your life. Will you join me?

CLICK HERE to join the FB group.

I recall the words of Jesus in John 15:11 in the Passion Translation  

My purpose for telling you these things is so that the joy that I experience will fill your hearts with overflowing gladness!

I am so grateful for you and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us!

